自主學習計畫,是一個讓台大學生在在學時期,有機會實踐自己有興趣的事情的專案。將學習生涯比喻成一個深潛的過程,學生將展開三個月的自我探索。網站的體驗與視覺呼應企劃概念,往下滾動時水深越深,滑鼠如同探照燈,可以在這段旅程中探索、互動,當觸碰到宛如水流的線段時,線段會被擾動,而首頁的深度線與石塊也會如水中的光影不斷有深淺變化。此外,首頁設計了一些小彩蛋,當在探索中不經意觸碰到隱藏按鈕時,可以閱覽歷屆學生的對於自主學習計畫的心得。 Go with the flow This project named Go with the Flow aims to help National Taiwan University students work on projects that they are interested in. Making an analogy between a learning journey and deep diving, the students would have a process of self-exploration that lasts three months. The user experience and visuals of the website correspond to this project’s concept. The water is deeper while rolling down website pages. The mouse, like a searchlight, allows students to use it as a tool to explore and interact with the website during the journey. When touching water-flow-like lines, they would be disturbed. The depth lines and rocks on the main page would also continuously change as shadow sunlight on the water. Moreover, the website designs some Easter eggs. If clicking the hidden bottoms by accident when exploring, the students could browse the previous students’ reflections on Go with the Flow.