設計過程 Design Process

展覽 Exhibition
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW
Basel, Switzerland

Design - Liwei Chang
Project Advisor - Leander Eisemann
這是一本關於離別的作品,將做七儀式涵蓋許多週期的過程化作書籍,一頁即是一天,每一天都是一個圖像和數字,每到週期結束,即為做禮的天數,都是一張厚度達180g的黑卡紙,與之相反的白紙則只有90g,所以在翻閱時能從停頓中感受到儀式的進行,也能在書口的黑白間隙看見做禮的週期,在閱讀與製作書本的同時,即是學習告別與追悼亡靈時間。 SEVEN When it comes to ritual's dates, this book uses empty, thick black paperboard that weighs 180 grams. By contrast, this book chooses white papers only weighing 90 grams to symbolize the dates when the ritual is not practiced. Thus, while turning pages, readers can sense the ongoing process of the ritual via the pause. Also, the gap created between the black paperboard and the white papers helps readers observe the cycle of the *zuoqi* tradition. Reading and designing the books are a learning process of how to say goodbye and mourn for dead.